The Book Nook will be having a fabulous fall book sale on October 1st and 2nd from 1-4. This is a BOGO sale: buy one book and get another book free. The free book needs to be of equal or lower price. Remember: paperbacks are $1 and hardbacks $2. This sale is offered to you, our wonderful donors and customers, in thanks for your constant support.
To assist in cleaning up after the Fox Island Community Garage Sale, Goodwill will be here from 11am to 1pm on Sunday September 10th with a staffed trailer at the Fox Island Museum to collect items you wish to discard. NO LARGE FURNITURE, EXERCISE EQUIPMENT OR LARGE APPLIANCES. Do not drop off items if the Goodwill vehicle is not there.
9AM-3PM this Saturday at the Fox Island Museum, 1017 9th Avenue, and at Home Sites throughout Fox Island.
Maps and Hot Dogs at the Museum
We will be selling our delicious hot dogs at the Museum on September 10 from 11am to 2pm. Be sure to come by and check out the Garage Sale items and get a quick bite to eat. Printed maps to the Garage Sale sites will be also available at the Museum at 9:00AM on Saturday morning, September 10th.
Here’s the Online Map for All of the Garage Sale Sites
You can access the online map in a separate browser tab here.